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Welcome to Jadexmedic

Hey, I'm Jade a current first year medic. Passionate about global healthcare, leadership and social change. 

I've decided to start a blog to document my journey. As young, black female medical student in the UK. I am aware of the lack of diversity amongst doctors and medical students.

Hopefully, I can help aspiring medics and current medical students, including those from BAME backgrounds, who often don't feel supported, that applying to and studying medicine is achievable.

Subscribe to my blog where I share some tips and my experience along the way! 

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Looking for something specific? Here are some of my blog posts for aspiring medics, current medics or specifically my medical journey!

Doctor Operating CT Scanner

Aspiring Medics

Looking to study medicine at university? These blogs post share my tips and advice about the application process.

Doctor Taking Notes

Current Medics 

Currently studying medicine at university or just curious? Here are some blog posts you may enjoy or find useful!

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